Decoupling Compensation- It Hurts Both Buyers and Sellers

If you are considering selling your home, you need to understand the importance of offering compensation to a broker who brings a buyer to purchase your home. 

A limited number of buyers have sufficient funds to cover both their down payment and the compensation for their agent.  This leads to a reduced pool of potential buyers for a property. A smaller pool of buyers tends to diminish competition, which typically results in lower offers for the home. 

Buyers who allocate a larger portion of their available funds to cover their agent’s compensation have less money for their down payment. This situation can adversely affect their financing options, limiting the amount they are capable of offering for a property.

An important tool to sell your home quickly and at the highest possible price is to offer a portion of the listing fee to another agent if they produce a buyer for the home.  Doing this expands your buyer pool and puts a spotlight on your home to the thousands of agents in our market who have relationships with qualified buyers. 

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